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Thursday, September 30, 2010

October- Live market calls with updates


Nifty fut Res-6040-6094 Sup-5965-5940

1. Buy Nifty fut @5968 tgt-5984-6002-6035+ sl-5960 , if nifty fut manges to cross 6040, then see more bull action.


  • Now 5990, first tgt hit. Keep booking profits & do multiple trades with given levels.
  • Now 6065, all tgts hit. Almost 100 pts gain in 1 hour. Hope you all must have njoyed the money rain.



Nifty fut Res-6155-6180 Sup-6072-6040

1. Buy Nifty 6200PE @94 tgt-105-118-125+ sl-80

Update- Now 108, first tgt hit. Njoy profits. Low risk traders keep booking profits.



Nifty fut Res-6155-6172 Sup-6110-6060

1. Buy ABG Shipyard @374 tgt-379-382-390+ sl-372


  • Now 379.6 , first tgt hit. Keep booking partial profits & trail SL.
  • Now 383.35, second tgt hit. Njoy money rain.
  • Now 396.7, third tgt hit. Njoy profits in truckload.
  • Now 411.9 , njoy money rain from our blastinggggggggggg call!!!!

2. UPDATE BTST Call: Buy Nifty fut @6059 tgt-6084-6102-6148 , sup-6040/6024 for Nifty fut. given on friday.

  • Nifty fut now 6180, all tgts hit. Njoy money rain.

All intraday calls closed!!!!



Nifty fut Res-6155-6172 Sup-6040-6024

1. Buy Nifty fut @6059 tgt-6084-6102-6148 , sup-6040/6024 for Nifty fut.


  • Now 6091, first tgt hit. Njoy money rain.
  • Now 6099, second tgt almost hit. Njoy hugee profits.



Nifty fut Res-6135-6172 Sup-6080-6024

1. UPDATE Positional Option Call: Buy LT 2050 CA @28-31 tgt-40-54++ sl-20

  • Now 37 from 28, keep booking some profits.



Nifty fut Res-6080-6135 Sup-6000-5965

1. Positional Option Call: Buy LT 2050 CA @28-31 tgt-40-54++ sl-20



Nifty fut Res-6148-6190 sup-6065-6024

1. Buy SSWL @374 tgt-386-394-403 , buy it & njoy money rain.

Update- Now 394.95, second tgt hit. Money raining ...njoyyyyyyyyy

2. Buy Bayer Cropscience @1035 tgt-1060-1072-1090+ sl-1020

Update- Now 1050, low risk traders keep booking profits.

3. Buy VIP Ind @660 tgt-672-684-700+ sl-650, Buy this & njoy another round of money rain.

Update- Now 671, near to first tgt. Njoy money rain.

4. UPDATE Positional Call: Buy Edserve Softsystems@218 tgt-228-235-248+ , Given yesterday.

  • Now 227.3, first tgt almost hit. Njoy profits in all our calls.



Nifty fut Res-6078-6124 Sup-5980-5940

1.UPDATE POSITIONAL CALL : Kiridyes given to buy at every decline till 585 for tgt-614-635-672. Given on 6 October.

  • Now 634.4 from 576, second tgt hit. Njoy hugeeee profits.

2. Buy Nifty fut arnd 6010 tgt-6055-6080+ , call given on FREE SMS GROUP in morning, Click Here To see.

  • Now made 6136 from low of 6007.6, all tgts hit. 110pts gain in intraday in one trade. Njoy profits in truckloadddddddddd!!!!!!!

3. Positional Call: Buy Edserve Softsystems@218 tgt-228-235-248+



Nifty Fut Res-6224-6255 Sup-6165-6124

1. Sell Nifty Fut @6179 tgt-6155-6140-6124


  • Now 6158.4, first tgt almost hit. Keep booking profits.
  • Now 6147.7, nearing to second tgt. Njoy profits in truckload.
  • Once again from 6175 to 6159, njoy profits in multiple trades. Sup-6140 & Res-6178
  • Now 6133, second tgt hit. Njoy money flood.
  • Now support 6124, if not breaked then Nifty fut will bounce back from here tgt-6155-6172+
  • Now 6154, first tgt of long also hit. Njoy money form both sides.
  • Now 6163, nearing to seocnd tgt. Njoy hugeeeeee gains.
  • Trade in range 6124 -6178, keep booking profits on both sides. Below 6124 get ready for some bear party.
  • Bear party started, nifty after breaking 6124 now 6080. Njoy our timely update.

2. Buy Cosmo films @180.4 tgt-186-190-198 sl-175

Update- Now 186.4, first tgt hit. Njoy profits. Low risk traders keep booking profits & trail SL .

3. OPTION CALL: Buy TTML 25CA @0.80 tgt-1.2-2-4 sl-0.50


  • Now 1.25, first tgt hit. Njoy money rain in all calls.
  • Now made 1.6, Money doubled in intraday. Njoy hugeeee profits.

All intraday calls closed!!!!



Nifty Fut Res-6290-6339 Sup-6172-6140

1. Buy Nifty fut @6187 tgt-6202-6224-6255+ sl-6172


  • Now 6203, first tgt hit.
  • Once again from 6182 to 6206, first tgt hit twice.



Nifty Fut Res-6172-6198 Sup-6115-6080

1. Buy Polaris @176 tgt-181-186-195 Sl-173


  • Now 179.6, Njoy profits. Keep bookibg partial profits & trail SL.
  • Book full profits @179.9

2. Sell Nifty fut in range 6198-6214 tgt-6185-6170-6140 , if not crosses 6214 decisively then oneside move till closing.


  • Now 6185 from 6199, first tgt hit. Njoy profits.
  • Low risk traders exit from shorts, and short again at higher levels above 6214.
  • BUY NIFTY @6214 tgt-6228-6240-6255 , buy and njoy the magic. No stoploss
  • Now 6228.5, first tgt hit. Njoy profits.
  • Now 6243, second tgt hit. Njoy money rain.
  • Now 6280, all tgts hit. Njoy the non-stop blassttttt.

3. UPDATE POSITIONAL CALL : Kiridyes given to buy at every decline till 585 for tgt-614-635-672. Given on 6 October.

  • Now made 619 from 578, first tgt hit. Njoy money rain.


Nifty Fut Res-6172-6198 Sup-6134-6110

1. UPDATE Positional Call: Buy Nifty fut @6140 tgt-6165-6190-6230+ sl-6110

  • Now made 6168, first tgt hit. Njoy profits.
  • Once again from 6128 to 6161 now, njoy allround money rain.
  • Once again bounce back from 6110.1, njoy the magical level.

2. UPDATE Positional Call: Buy Areva T&D @ 292.5 tgt- 295-299-308+ sl-290 , given on 22September, CLICK HERE TO SEE.

  • Now made 329, njoy huge profits!!

3. UPDATE BTST Call: Buy Axis Bank fut@1569 with SL-1568 , and hold as BTST.

  • Now 1581.5, hugeeeee gains in all calls. Keep booking profits.
  • Now 1589, blastinggggggg oneway!! Njoy profits in truckload.

7 October
Nifty Fut Res-6232-6254 Sup-6172-6140

1. Buy Axis Bank Fut @1576 tgt-1585-1597-1610+ sl-1568


  • Now 1580.5, keep booking profits.
  • Can again buy @1569 with SL-1568 , and hold as BTST.

2. Intraday+Positional: Buy Nifty fut @6140 tgt-6165-6190-6230+ sl-6110

Update- Now 6157. Njoy profits. Intraday low risk traders keep booking profits.

3. UPDATE Positional call: Buy Modern dairies @34.8 tgt-36-37.4-39 , Given yesterday.

  • Now 37.9, second tgt hit. Huge gains in one day.

6 October
Nifty Fut Res-6235-6254 Sup-6215-6172

1. Buy National Aluminium Fut @426 tgt-430-435-442 sl-420
Update- Now 428.9, near to first tgt. Njoy profits.

2. Buy Sintex @426 tgt-432-440-454+ sl-425
Update- Now 432.5, first tgt hit. Keep booking profits.

3. Positional Call: Buy Kiri Dyes @604 tgt-614-635-672
Update- Buy it at every decline till 585.

4. Positional call: Buy Modern dairies @34.8 tgt-36-37.4-39
Update- Now 37, near to second tgt. Njoy money rain.

5. UPDATE Positional Call: Buy Areva T&D @ 292.5 tgt- 295-299-308+ sl-290 , given on 22September, CLICK HERE TO SEE.

  • Now 313.6, all tgts hit. Njoy Huge profits!!

6. UPDATE POSITIONAL CALL Buy Patel Eng fut @389 tgt-394-400-410+ sl-380 on closing basis. Given on 29September, CLICK HERE TO SEE

  • Now 398.9, second tgt almost hit.

All intraday calls closed!!!!
Nifty Fut Res-6217-6248 Sup-6165-6140

1. Buy Onmobile @385 tgt-389-396-410+ sl-380
Update- Now 389.8, first tgt hit.

2. Buy Zuari Industries @814 tgt-822-835-860 sl-809

  • Now 835, second tgt hit. Njoy money rain.
  • Now 841.7, non stop blastttttttt!!

3. UPDATE Positional Call: Buy Areva T&D @ 292.5 tgt- 295-299-308+ sl-290 , given on 22September, CLICK HERE TO SEE.

  • Now 304.7, near to third tgt. Keep booking profits.

4. UPDATE POSITIONAL CALL Buy Patel Eng fut @389 tgt-394-400-410+ sl-380 on closing basis. Given on 29September, CLICK HERE TO SEE

  • Now 396.3, first tgt hit once again. Keep booking profits & trail SL.

1 October
Nifty Fut Res-6139-6152 Sup-6090-6058

1. Buy Shriram transport @ 777 tgt-782-787-794+ sl-770

  • Now 782, first tgt hit.
  • Now 789,Second tgt hit. Njoy money rain. Keep booking profits.
  • Now 799, third tgt hit. Njoy hugeeeeeee profits.

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