Knowledge of credit report: Realize and understand the need of credit reporting. You should know that for anything you need to have a positive credit rating. Whether it is buying an apartment, a car or for that matter a job, you need to have a good credit rating. Try and spend some time on finding how it works. Pay your debts on time, and more importantly, spend sensibly.
Get health insurance: Save money and get yourself a health plan. It helps to minimize medical expenses which could sky rocket your expenses. These days there are insurances where you have to pay small amounts yet you are covered by it.
Avoid accumulating debt: When you are in college it is almost a common thing to be in debt. Try and avoid too much of it when you have the time. You can live simple and try and clear of your debts so that you pay little or no interest to the credit card companies. The best way to go about it is budget and use your cards, and pay off at the end of the month to about interest accumulation.
These little steps help you to plan your expenses and incomes sensibly and preparing you for the days to come.
Start slow but start early!
i think u r very great person,very down to earth,very knowledgable,humble,lives for others,may god bless u n to u r loving ones,u live a long life,thank u ..................